Docker on Windows Subsystem for Linux to play with RedHat 8

Ok, so this is kind of long but neat too!

A co-worker asked about using a Docker image for a project he’s working on and I suggested that he use the RedHat 7/8 based “Universal Base Image” that they announced at Summit. (Our company has a large installed base of RedHat, so there is a big advantage being to tap into that internal knowledge.)


If you have a machine with Docker setup, then doing a pull of “” will pull down the RHEL-8 version.

–> $ docker run –rm -it /bin/bash

But I don’t have a Docker system, I only have Windows 10!” No fear, you can install Docker on Windows:


From there you can kick off Docker from PowerShell or the command prompt with the exact same command prompt as shown above.

But I want to do this in a Linux environment on my Windows workstation!”  Use the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” feature of Windows 10:


Here’s a screen shot of a RHEL-8 container running under WSL showing that “yum install …” works as expected:

And here it is running under PowerShell:


4 responses to “Docker on Windows Subsystem for Linux to play with RedHat 8”

  1. Luis Avatar

    Can RedHat be run on the Windows Subsystem for Linux WITHOUT using Docker? If so, can you update the article with info on to do that.

    Is there a RedHat image that can be used to run RedHat in WSL without Docker?

    1. DanL Avatar

      Hi Luis – sorry for not seeing your question earlier.

      I don’t believe there is specifically a Red Hat version of WSL, so if you need something that acts and responds exactly as Red Hat Enterprise Linux would then the Docker images are the only option.

      The only other way to do this would be to install VirtualBox or VMware Player on your Windows system and install Red Hat in a virtual machine.

    2. AlexD Avatar

      I too would like to have a RH on WSL cuz… I do work on a company that supports RH but unfortunately, the only options on the Microsoft store are: Ubuntu, openSUSE-Leap-15-1, Kali Linux, Debian, Alpine WSL, none of them we support so looks like we are out of luck as the answer is NO ….

      1. DanL Avatar

        Thanks AlexD – maybe with Red Hats recent CentOS changes and their free for use versions ( they will support WSL soon.

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