Git branching basic workflow

To better handle multiple people working on a project in a Git repository, using branches and reviewing pull requests before committing to the master branch is strongly suggested.

Basic steps:

  1. Change to your home directory and clone the git repository
    1. cd $HOME
    2. git clone [email protected]/MyRepo.git
  2. Change into the new project directory
    1. cd ./MyRepo
  3. Create a branch to work on the new code
    1. git checkout -b MyNewBranch
  4. Verify you are working in the branch
    1. git branch
    2. Note: The branch will have a “*” to the left of the branch name denoting the active branch
  5. Update code, test, repeat
  6. Review and add any missing files
    1. git status
    2. git add <file_name>
  7. Push the code into the repository
    1. git push –set-upstream origin MyNewBranch
      1. This is only necessary for the first ‘git push’
    2. git commit -v {list of changed files}
      • Note the response from the system:
      • remote: Create a pull request for 'MyNewBranch' on GitHub by visiting:
      • remote:
  8. Open the pull request (PR) in
    1. Add other repository contributors to request a code review before merging.
  9. Repeat the edit/test/PR cycle as necessary until merge is accepted
    1. edit code … test … git status … git add … git commit … git push
  10. When it has been accepted, clean-up your work area:
    1. cd $HOME/MyRepo/
    2. git checkout master
    3. git pull
    4. git branch –delete MyNewBranch
  11. Celebrate on a successful pull request!


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